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Cold Spring Church has been at the crossroads of our community for more than 300 years, and Intersections is our blog of engaging ideas designed to get you connected to what matters to you!

2019-12-01 Message- The 5 Lenses of Christmas, 1. The Normal Lens, From Influenced to Influencer

By Intersections, Sermons

“Advent” denotes the beginning of the Christian worship year as we bring into view Jesus’ arrival at his birth. Instead of jump-scares into Christmas and attending anxieties, many appreciated Advent’s needed time for reflection, preparation, and openness to new ways that Jesus can arrive in our lives. The four weeks of Advent begin this Sunday, December 1, when we celebrate around the Lord’s Table, enjoy special holiday music and decorations, our Poinsettia Trees, and light the Advent Candle of Hope! Your friends and neighbors will be grateful for your invitation to join you!

Pastor Kevin has also prepared a special Advent Series of messages using photography as a metaphor for our faith titled, The 5 Lenses of Christmas. Deeply focused on our Advent Scripture readings, each week we will create a different field of view using Normal, Wide, Ultra Wide, Telephoto, and Macro lenses in our spiritual camera bag that will bring our experience of Christmas into sharp focus.

This week we will use a Normal lens in a message from Matthew 24:36-44 titled, “From Influenced to Influencer.”Advent is a time to hear Isaiah the prophet urge us to walk in the light of the Lord while the Apostle Paul reminds the neighbors in Rome that God’s deliverance is getting closer every day. As we wait, Jesus’ words to be ready for Jesus are not intended to scare us or provoke fears of being left behind. Instead, Jesus promotes our growth in mindfulness that is a counter narrative to political rancor, consumerism’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and to instead respond in faith to opportunities at hand, like Giving Tuesday exhorts us to do!

Come to worship this week for your wake-up call to resist being negatively influenced to becoming an positive influencer of faith as we focus on Jesus who continues to arrive in our life each day.

2019-12-01 Message for Kids- Let the ADVENT-ure Begin With A -J-

By Intersections, Sermons

Notice anything different in our sanctuary this morning? (Kids notice everything!) Poinsettia Trees, decorations, the Advent Candles, and yes, a manger. Wait! It’s empty. Each week we will add characters to our Manger scene because Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of, who? That’s right, Jesus. And for our journey I want to give you a very special energy treat, its a Candy Cane! (Each child is given their own candy cane.) In this special package is not only a candy cane, and a Christmas stocking, but the story of how the candy cane came to be invented. It all started in Indiana, and well, you can learn more about it during your learning time upstairs in a few minutes. Here’s one thing you may not have known. The candy cane is in the shape of? (Turn the candy cane upside down.) A -J-! A -J- for? That’s right, Jesus. Next week we will continue our ADVENT-ure, add a few characters to our manger scene, and prepare for a great celebration, on the birthday of who? That’s right! -J- for Jesus who is with us every day.

2019-11-24 Message- Welcome Home. Where You Belong.

By Intersections, Sermons

Where do you call home? We are a transient society. Roots are short. Transplants are the norm. Fewer of us stay in place. You may be one of the 50 million motorists in motion this week. Or perhaps you are preparing for friends and family to gather at your place. Everyone starts somewhere. And even more importantly, everyone ends up someplace. Your place may be cozy, safe, and warm, but for more than 500,000 Americans without  a permanent “address” this week, their experience of home is quite different and they deserve a warm smile, healthy meal, and a safe place to live. Wherever our home, God welcomes all of us to be at home where we are, and to make our place a home for others, too.

This week, Pastor Kevin invites us to think about the reasons God has placed us in the physical and spiritual locations where we live. Some of us might think about this quite a bit, especially if we’ve undergone a major transition or if we felt led to our current homes for employment or retirement. Life transitions and unexpected changes, welcomed or not, can leave us feeling anxious and unsettled.

Throughout the story of Scripture, however, place is a very important concept. The Promised Land was a place of peace and prosperity, and the prophets spoke of God’s involvement in our daily live. Jesus said we should take care of our neighbors and to be comforted knowing that God’s eternal home is open to us. Place matters.

Wherever you’ve been, and no matter where you may be going this Thanksgiving, experience gratitude and spiritual abundance at Cold Spring Church where everyone can discover a safe place to experience God’s love in Christ.

Welcome home. Where You Belong.

2019-11-24 Message for Kids- You’re Welcome!

By Intersections, Sermons

So much to be thankful for! I’m thankful for YOU! Thanks for joining me up front each week. Did you know that Advent is the start of the Christmas ADVENTure? It starts next week. And what ties Thanksgiving and Advent together is Jesus’ Welcome to everyone to join him on this adventure. You are always welcomed here. How could you show welcome to your classmates? Family? Reach out to someone who may be feeling alone or sad. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to be thankful that God always welcomes us, and for us to show our gratitude by being welcoming to others, too! Happy Thanksgiving! And, see you next week when our ADVENTure begins! I can’t wait!

2019-11-17 Message- No Idling. Get Energized. Do Good.

By Intersections, Sermons

Pulling up in front of a loading zone, the sign read: NO IDLING. A car running at idle doesn’t accomplish anything worthwhile. Idling is a wait-state between off and on. In fact, idling not only needlessly consumes fuel, but creates noxious fumes for those walking nearby. It’s better to be off than idle. It’s best, though, to get energized and move forward!

This week, Pastor Kevin’s message from 2 Thessalonians 3 will invite us to examine the status quo and honestly take a look where we are within it. Is there anyone who hasn’t gotten weary in doing good? Found yourself stuck in idle? Get your faith in gear this week and with the spiritual fuel you need. Not to “work harder,” but love more, trust more, serve more, feel more engaged doing good.

2019-11-17 Message for Kids- Popcorn for the People

By Intersections, Sermons

At our craft fair yesterday there were so many talented vendors and artists. Hundreds of people came because everybody had something to share. Something to show. Great baked goods! Clothing. Christmas gifts. I even got a new belt from an incredibly talented artisan. One very special table was hosted by ARC, a county program for some very special people who are gifted in different ways than us. Those with down syndrome were handing out flyers, those with autism helped sell a very tasty product. Would you like to see? Popcorn! I have some here to share with you. Everyone can be helpful. Everyone has a job to do. We are most like Jesus when we imitate Jesus. When we do things that Jesus did. Jesus loved everyone. Jesus served everyone. Jesus helps everyone. What will you do this week to help others? I can’t wait to hear!

Announcement— Congregational Meetings Called

By Intersections

The Session has called a congregational meeting to immediately follow worship on Sunday, November 17, 2019 to:

  1. Increase the size of the congregation’s Nominating Committee to add one (or more) additional member(s) at large, to conform with the most recent constitution of the Presbyterian Church, (U.S.A.).

God has abundantly blessed our congregation with gifted individuals and our Nominating Committee is actively discerning those gifts.

A separate congregational meeting will be called December 8 for the purpose of electing leaders who will then be ordained and installed as elders and deacons the following week (December 15) so that they may begin their service at the start of the new year.

2019-11-10 Message- Your Questions Are Welcomed- Let’s Have a Conversation- Jesus

By Intersections, Sermons

One question kids never tire of asking is Why? Why, why, why, why, why! Kid’s really want help getting the answers they seek. They deserve our loving and generous attention. We affirm their value and address their concerns so they feel heard.

This week, we get to see how Jesus responds to a persistent and controversial questions. But its obvious the questioners aren’t looking for answers, and only seek vindication for their own points of view, and if they can, embarrass Jesus while they’re at it! How did Jesus react?

Pastor Kevin’s message from Luke 20:27-38, Your Questions Welcomed Here!, will assure you that whatever your motivations or questions, or how persistently you ask them, Jesus never tires of listening. And those dilemmas you’re facing? He with you. And no matter the depth of your pain, or the anxiety you feel, Jesus welcomes and receives you just the way you are.

Get to the heart of the matter, what matters to you, this week at Cold Spring Church.

2019-11-10 Message for Kids- Conversations With Jesus

By Intersections, Sermons

We call talking to God prayer. God wants us to ask questions. To wonder about stuff! Do you have questions? Sure! And God listens to us. Some students gave me this talking Jesus doll a long time ago. Listen. (Bible verses spoken.) Wow. Pretty cool. But this, of course, is not really Jesus! But you can talk to the real Jesus anytime you want. By directing your inner voice to God in prayer we can have a conversation with God, and when we read the Bible, and listen to God’s Spirit, we can learn and grow, too. God loves you and wants to have a real conversation with you every day! In good times, and when things aren’t so nice. God is with you. How great is that?!