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January 2022

2022-02-06 Hybrid Worship

By Intersections, Newsletters, Sermons

It’s the season of Light and we are ready for you inside our historic, beautiful Red Brick Church or, join us on YouTube Live!

Please download or view the Worship Guide that includes our worship and music previews, Scripture readings, prayers, community news… Click the link below!

Get Your Worship Guide (click here) with Scripture readings, music, and prayers. See our worship preview, below!

Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!

Enjoy sitting with others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.

Worship on YouTube Live! (click here)

No internet? No problem!

If you don’t have internet access, just use our call-in number from your phone: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 882-3154-2428 Password: 1714.


Worship Preview

We will gather around the Lord’s Table this week, and all are encouraged to remain for our Annual Congregational Meeting to follow.

Our collective spiritual arms are outstretched, and our hearts are open for new blessings that God has prepared for us to receive in 2022! Great Expectations is our theme for 2022 that will guide our worship and mission. Pastor Kevin’s message, What’s In Your Charter? takes us to Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth, which didn’t have the best of reputations. Great expectations from there? For example, when Nathaniel realized that Jesus came from Nazareth, he scornfully remarked to his brother Philip, “Can anything good come from there?” (John 1:46). Not likely, you might think. The religious leaders seemed to agree. They were so upset with Jesus’ personal Messiah claims and who God would bless in the future that they tried to… well, come to worship on Sunday and see what happened for yourself! We consider how Jesus was treated, and more importantly, why. What are Jesus’ great expectations of you? You be the judge.

Music Preview

Our service music begins with the Rev. Larry Moyer singing an a cappella solo of Amazing Grace, and we’ll enjoy his beautiful baritone voice.

Following Rev. Kevin Yoho’s message we will sing, “Take My Life, and Let it Be,” a hymn written by Francis Havergal. It is a testament to her dedication to the Lord as she begins each line of the hymn with “take,” meaning something freely offered in service to God.

Mr. Schutte was a 31-year-old Jesuit studying theology in Berkeley, Calif., when one of his friends asked him to write a song for an upcoming diaconate ordination service. “I sort of had to catch my breath, because he was knocking on my door on Wednesday and I knew the ordination was on Saturday.” On top of the short notice, Mr. Schutte had been suffering from the flu for several days. He sat at his desk with his guitar and a blank sheet of staff paper in front of him, praying, “God, if I’m going to do this for my friend, you’re going to have to help me.” He never imagined his song, and our closing hymn, “Here I Am, Lord,” would become so popular.

“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).

Physical distancing and masks are required, even for fully vaccinated worshippers. Thank you for helping us all stay safe.

You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Once you and your family are ready for worship at home, share the picture with us by posting to Facebook #ColdSpringChurch or Instagram #coldspringchurchnj. If you’re in the sanctuary, feel free to share photos or text friends about what you are learning! Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!

Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.

We are excited to welcome to worship all who are able and comfortable in-person in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Your safety, health, and wellness are our top priority. Following the guidance from the CDC and health officials, we have implemented safety protocols and designed an approximately forty-minute worship experience that will be spiritually energizing and safe for you, your family, and other worshippers.

2022-02-06 Annual Congregational Meeting Resources

By Intersections, Newsletters, Sermons

The Session has called for our 2022 Annual Congregational Meeting to immediately follow worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, February 6, 2022 (postponed from 1/30). An abbreviated meeting is planned to minimize health risks for those who attend. Look for Printed copies of the Annual Report and proposed new Bylaws in the Narthex.

Download the Annual Report here.

Download the Bylaws here.

Hello, friends.

In the future, when asked to recall the worst year ever, there is no doubt that 2020 would be our #1 choice! But now, with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic with its variants including Delta and Omicron, 2021 will, unfortunately, be a close #2 choice. Thank you for being a part of our community and generously supporting our ministry through it all! It’s been a tough twenty-four months.

2021 In Review

We were saddened by the passing of several members and friends. We thank God for the Rev. Carlene Moyer, John Alves, Martin Bowne, Bess Lapsley, and James McNelly, in addition to other family and friends of our congregation. We celebrate their lives and mourn their passing. Since the pandemic, a few longtime members sadly moved or drifted away from Cold Spring. A good many of us continue to enjoy the comfort and relative safety of worshipping from home by visiting our YouTube channel ( Finding new ways to stay in touch includes our Facebook page and especially reading the weekly Connections, our emailed newsletter. We pray for each other by posting requests online ( We have generously supported the ministry, with more of us giving online ( Thank you!

God has added to our numbers in the most delightful ways in 2021! We welcomed ten (10) new members, many initially connecting to us through Worship Online! These friends completed the Explorers’ Group new member orientation offered by Pastor Kevin via Zoom. A 2022 Members and Friends Directory is being compiled. It will be distributed on January 30 to help us stay in touch.

Great Expectations Ahead

With our collective spiritual arms outstretched and hearts open, we will position ourselves for new blessings God has prepared for us to receive in 2022! Great Expectations is our theme for 2022 that will guide our worship and mission.

God has called Cold Spring Presbyterian Church to expect great things from God and do great things together through Christ. Now is the time as we begin our 308th year of ministry. We are spiritually ready, asking God for the resources we need to serve the community even more.

As you read through the Annual Report, remember that all of us, each in our own way, are fully engaged in God’s year of Great Expectations.

God is for YOU in 2022!

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Get Ready for God’s Great Expectations For You in 2022!

“Believe me: I am in my Father and my Father is in me. If you can’t believe that, believe what you see—these works. The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it. From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I’ll do it. That’s how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I’ll do (John 14:11-14).

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes! (Ephesians 3:20-21).


Pastor Kevin

2022-01-23 Hybrid Worship

By Intersections, Newsletters, Sermons

It’s the season of Light and we are ready for you inside our historic, beautiful Red Brick Church or, join us on YouTube Live!

Please download or view the Worship Guide that includes our worship and music previews, Scripture readings, prayers, community news… Click the link below!

Get Your Worship Guide (click here) with Scripture readings, music, and prayers. See our worship preview, below!

Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!

Enjoy sitting with others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.

Worship on YouTube Live! (click here)

No internet? No problem!

If you don’t have internet access, just use our call-in number from your phone: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 882-3154-2428 Password: 1714.


Worship Preview

Are you ready to fly?! Well, you’ll need to break a few eggs first. Just ask Jesus about the time he went to a hometown reunion of sorts. It didn’t go well. Not at all. In this week’s Gospel reading, we will discover why it’s O.K. to break a few eggs if it means breaking free. The religious leaders became angry when Jesus said he fulfilled the Messianic promise and proclaimed freedom not only to the religious locals but to everyone, outsiders, too. What a mess. Impossible!, Prohibited!, they cried. Madness! Jesus was all in! You might say that Jesus wants to break a few of your eggs, too, setting you free! Find out how to fly with Jesus this week at Cold Spring Church!

Music Preview

Our music video is Chris Tomlinson’s Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). After a chance encounter on a plane, a producer asked Chris to write music for his upcoming Amazing Grace movie. The movie is about William Wilberforce’s work to abolish slavery in Europe. He wrote a chorus, My Chains Are Gone, to the well-loved traditional hymn. Chris says he never thought his version would be so popular in churches worldwide. We close today with Shine, Jesus Shine, echoing today’s Gospel, “This is God’s time to shine!”

“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).

Due to the alarming increase in cases of COVID-19 in Cape May County, masks are again required, even for fully vaccinated worshippers.

You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Once you and your family are ready for worship at home, share the picture with us by posting to Facebook #ColdSpringChurch or Instagram #coldspringchurchnj. If you’re in the sanctuary, feel free to share photos or text friends about what you are learning! Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!

Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.

We are excited to welcome to worship all who are able and comfortable in-person in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Your safety, health, and wellness are our top priority. Following the guidance from the CDC and health officials, we have implemented safety protocols and designed an approximately forty-minute worship experience that will be spiritually energizing and safe for you, your family, and other worshippers.

2022-01-16 Hybrid Worship

By Intersections, Newsletters, Sermons

It’s the season of Light and we are ready for you inside our historic, beautiful Red Brick Church or, join us on YouTube Live!

Please download or view the Worship Guide that includes our worship and music previews, Scripture readings, prayers, community news… Click the link below!

Get Your Worship Guide (click here) with Scripture readings, music, and prayers. See our worship preview, below!

Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!

Enjoy sitting with others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.

Worship on YouTube Live! (click here)

No internet? No problem!

If you don’t have internet access, just use our call-in number from your phone: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 882-3154-2428 Password: 1714.


Worship Preview

As we celebrate the Light of Christ, are you looking for something extraordinary? Seeking a miracle? Maybe you’ve been searching for a bright sign of hope. Sure, we all have from time to time, and these uncertain times in which we live are the right times for a spiritual indicator! This week, we will meet Jesus at a wedding where Jesus amazes everyone with an unexpected sign. Jesus transforms ordinary water into fantastic wine! Wow! Jesus offers a sign of blessing and hope for you! Find out how you can live an amazing life in Christ! Signs of hope ahead!

Music Preview

We begin worship with the stirring, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name. This 18th-century text celebrating the sovereignty of Christ has been through several expansions and contractions before reaching its present form. It is set here to the oldest American hymn tune in continuous use since first published in 1793, which was written for it. We will enjoy beautiful music during the several prayerful reflections times. We will be sent out to serve our community by singing Speak O Lord. Echoing the wisdom of Mary who instructed the disciples to “do what Jesus says,” we will listen as Christ renew our minds and spirits for the hopeful year ahead!

“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).

Due to the alarming increase in cases of COVID-19 in Cape May County, masks are again required, even for fully vaccinated worshippers.

You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Once you and your family are ready for worship at home, share the picture with us by posting to Facebook #ColdSpringChurch or Instagram #coldspringchurchnj. If you’re in the sanctuary, feel free to share photos or text friends about what you are learning! Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!

Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.

We are excited to welcome to worship all who are able and comfortable in-person in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Your safety, health, and wellness are our top priority. Following the guidance from the CDC and health officials, we have implemented safety protocols and designed an approximately forty-minute worship experience that will be spiritually energizing and safe for you, your family, and other worshippers.

2022-01-09 Hybrid Worship

By Intersections, Newsletters, Sermons

Happy new year! We are ready for you inside our historic, beautiful Red Brick Church or, join us on YouTube Live!

Please download or view the Worship Guide that includes our worship and music previews, Scripture readings, prayers, community news… Click the link below!

Get Your Worship Guide (click here) with Scripture readings, music, and prayers. See our worship preview, below!

Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!

Enjoy sitting with others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.

Worship on YouTube Live! (click here)

No internet? No problem!

If you don’t have internet access, just use our call-in number from your phone: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 882-3154-2428 Password: 1714.


Three Kings Sunday Worship Preview

We are a star-struck culture. Those that dominate social media and dictate popular styles and attitudes are called stars. Entertainers, scientists, YouTubers, athletes, tech giants, and even everyday heroes inspire us to be our best. Since the pandemic began, more and more people have also sought comfort and guidance from the cosmic stars as we consult birth charts, astrologers, and psychics. We seek light to lead us out of the coronavirus chaos and the isolation and daily constraints, the fear and uncertainty, and COVID-19’s sickness and death. This week, we focus on the Star, the Bright and Morning Star, the Light of the World, which brings real hope and a future.

Christmastide concludes with the last day of the Twelve Days of Christmas. In the season of Light, we call Epiphany, and we travel with the stargazing Magi who followed the Jesus Star. It was a very bright moving star that came to a rest just above the spot where Jesus lay. Their long journey, likely from modern-day Iraq, led to a house in Nazareth, not a manger in Bethlehem as is often depicted on Christmas cards. And when they saw Jesus, they were overjoyed!

What star shines brightest for you on this new year’s horizon? Where does that star lead you? What gifts will you bring into the year? Follow the Jesus star. It is the only one that will take you home in God’s emerging future of hope. It is the only one that will make you a rising star and not a shooting star. Find out how to follow the Jesus Star this week at Cold Spring Church.

Music Preview

We will sing the traditional carol, We Three Kings, which will stir our spirits this week. as our worship begins and after the message.  stir our spirits this week, inviting us to join them on their stargazing journey. Despite the well-loved title, the Scripture identifies the gift-bearing visitors as “magi” meaning scholars, not kings. And there were three gifts, but the actual number of scholars is unspecified. Yet, this carol remains our favorite!

The scholars did indeed bring three gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts are traditionally interpreted to acknowledge Jesus as the King, God, and a foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice, respectively, as depicted in the hymn. Herod slaughtered two-year-olds and younger boys suggesting that Jesus could have been up to two years of age when the gifts were presented to him. Jesus’ family would’ve living in a house by the time the magi arrived. The magi offered their best to Jesus, and we can be inspired to do the same, today.

“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).

Due to the alarming increase in cases of COVID-19 in Cape May County, masks are again required, even for fully vaccinated worshippers.

You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Once you and your family are ready for worship at home, share the picture with us by posting to Facebook #ColdSpringChurch or Instagram #coldspringchurchnj. If you’re in the sanctuary, feel free to share photos or text friends about what you are learning! Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!

Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.

We are excited to welcome to worship all who are able and comfortable in-person in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Your safety, health, and wellness are our top priority. Following the guidance from the CDC and health officials, we have implemented safety protocols and designed an approximately forty-minute worship experience that will be spiritually energizing and safe for you, your family, and other worshippers.