Rejoice! COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted!
Masks, facial coverings, and social distancing are no longer required to participate in worship services at the Red Brick Church, or in our offices and meeting rooms in Price Hall.
Now, let’s get together better and show God’s love to greater Cape May!
We are ready for you inside our historic, beautiful Red Brick Church or join us on YouTube Live!
Please download or view the Worship Guide that includes our worship and music previews, Scripture readings, prayers, community news, and much more! Click the link below.
Get Your Worship Guide (click here) with Scripture readings, music, and prayers. See our worship preview, below!
Worship Preview- Be a part of our dynamic community!
Gathering At the Lord’s Table
All are welcomed to Jesus’ table. Our in-person worshippers will be provided pre-packaged communion cups, which on-line worshippers may request by contacting the office. Or, choose the bread you prefer. For the cup, you may use grape juice or wine, or water, remembering that Christ is the Living Water for all.
Worship Preview
Everyone likes pleasant aromas. We like to smell good. We buy air fresheners for our cars, put them in shoes, and spray our pets. While some struggle with perfume allergies, consider how much money we spend on fragrances. According to recent data collected by Statista Research, almost 6 million Americans spent $300 or more to smell good last year. That’s a lot of perfume! We spend even more to make our homes smell good! The U.S. air freshener market exceeds $2 billion.
We have all seen the Febreze commercial where they blindfold people and lead them into disgusting, smelly places treated with Febreze. They ask them to say what they smell, which is nothing! Amazing! No matter what your house smells like the right product will not only neutralize the smell, but it will cover it right up, too.
In our Gospel reading, we will join Jesus at a party held in his honor at the home of his best friend, Lazarus. We can imagine how wonderful that meal may have smelled. Spices, oils, the savory food everyone enjoyed. Who doesn’t like the aroma of a great meal being prepared in the kitchen?!
While the meal was underway, out of nowhere, an alternate aroma filled the noses of the party-goers. “What’s that smell?” Turns out, Lazarus’s sister Mary spilled a strong, sweet-smelling perfume on Jesus’ feet wiping them with her hair as an expression of love and gratitude. Shocked, many criticized the extravagant waste of money the perfume represented. But Jesus praised her, reminding all of us that love, generosity, and kindness have an aroma all their own.
This week, we consider what spiritual aromas we represent to our family, friends, and community. Don’t Febreze away the good scents in your life Everywhere we go, people should breathe in the exquisite fragrance of Christ in us! Find out how to “Aromify Your Life In Christ.” Because of Christ in us, we give off a sweet scent rising to God!
Music Preview
Something Beautiful, sung today by Rev Larry Moyer, is a beautiful reminder by Bill and Gloria Gaither about how God can take all our dreams and hopes, which have crumbled into ashes, and turn them into something even better and more beautiful.
Gloria Gaither shares that the story came from their oldest child, Suzanne. One day she was painting and spilled some paint. Vigilantly she tried to clean up the mess. She told Gloria, “Oh, Mommy,” she sobbed, “I tried to make you something beautiful but look! I dropped some paint.” She heaved and caught her breath. “I tried to fix it, but it got worse and now just look!” The idea formed about how God can transform our lives and hearts from our messes.
Following the message, we will enjoy the music video Build My Life, singing of the love of Jesus and the firm foundation we have in His love. In uncertain times this rings especially true, for when we build our lives on Him and fill ourselves with His love, we will never be shaken.
Our Communion video hymn is Blessed Jesus, Living Bread, and please sing along. Our sending hymn is The Lord Went to a Dinner to the tune of O Jesus, I Have Promised.
“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).
Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!
Enjoy sitting with others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.
Worship anytime on YouTube Live!
(click here)
No internet? No problem! If you don’t have internet access, just use our call-in number from your phone: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 882-3154-2428 Password: 1714.
Physical distancing and masks are NOT required!
You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Feel free to share photos or text friends about what you are learning! Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!
Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.
We are excited to welcome to worship all who are able and comfortable in-person in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM.