Welcome to Cold Spring Presbyterian Church—Energizing Spirits! Transforming Lives!
Hello. We’re glad you’re here! We believe that everyone deserves to experience God’s love in relevant and authentic ways. Our thriving faith community puts God’s love into action to help make greater Cape May a better place. We joyfully love and serve God and our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Any number of reasons may have led you to our website today. We think you’ll find the resources you need to live life more abundantly. You may be younger, or older; a long-time resident, guest, or seasonal visitor to Cape May. Maybe our YouTube Live online worship is perfect for you to stay connected from the comfort and safety of your own place! But we are sure you will enjoy experiencing the welcoming and energizing worship inside our historic Red Brick Church!
You may like being more dressed-up, casual, or prefer a ready-for-the-beach look at worship… come just the way you are because you’re WELCOME! Connect in the way that fits your schedule: Worship. Special Holiday Events. Concerts. Dinners. We are here for you.
And whatever your church background, or no church experience at all, you’re WELCOME! As it has for 308 years. Cold Spring Church continues to follow Jesus Christ and serve this community.
We’ve been waiting for you! Come and experience an energizing worship experience at 10:30 AM on Sundays in our beautiful, historic, red brick church.
God loves you, and so do we! You’re always WELCOME!
We have recently heard many encouraging comments after a visit to Cold Spring Church like, “I feel energized”; “Glad we came today”; “I love music and the hope-filled message”; “I find myself excited about the future”; “I’m encouraged to move forward in a positive direction”; and, “It feels like new possibilities.” I’d like to know what you think, too.
God is for YOU! Become a part of our mission…
Cold Spring Presbyterian Church energizes spirits and transforms lives by delivering resources and experiences rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ through inspiring worship, practical teaching from God’s word, innovative programs, and community-focused events and ministry.
What We Believe As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we share a common Reformed expression of faith in Jesus’s Christ as God’s son, our savior. The Word of God “that became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14). God’s story of love, forgiveness, redemption and hope are contained in the Scriptures, creeds, and in our governance. We seek to bless our communities, serve others, and demonstrate the love, justice, and reconciliation of God through our actions in the world (John 3:16-17).
Worship in Joy! We worship in our beautiful, historic, red brick church building. Most Christian faith communities worship in similar ways, and we think you’ll find aspects of our worship familiar. Whether you enjoy dressing more traditional, or like to wear more informal clothing, come as you are! We believe worship is at its best when it in a safe and engaging place for responses, silent reflection, and an interactive, equipping message from God’s Word. To help you become more comfortable with our community, please browse our website. When you’re on campus, our welcome team of greeters is ready to speak with you!
We incorporate a large display on which to view our worship guide. Music lyrics, video lyrics, and solos enhance our experience. We provide the Worship Guide online if you’d prefer downloading and bringing it with you, or viewing it at home. While words and music are displayed on the big screen, we provide numbers if you’d like to use a hymnal. We enjoy a range of music with special selections provided on an insert. The Apostles Creed and Lord’s Prayer may be familiar to you, but words are always printed. Contact information is provided. Assisted listening devices are provided for those who require them.
When You Can’t Be With Us, Or To Listen Again Our service premiers each Sunday at 10:30 AM and is broadcast on YouTube Live. You can enjoy worship anytime to view or download immediately after each worship service. For those who prefer listening in, we provide a Zoom conference call line to help everyone stay connected when your schedule prevents you from participating in person.
Children in Worship First of all, relax! We love kids and welcome babies and children to worship with you.
Communion The Lord’s Supper is open to all, whether they are church members or new to faith in Christ. All are invited to nurture their relationship with Jesus Christ in their lives by participating. See the pastor for more information. Our traditionally served Scottish communion bread and grape juice remains on hiatus during the Pandemic. We provide convenient and safe, filled communion cups with the bread and juice separated and sealed for easy opening during worship. Gluten-free bread is available.
Baptism Baptism is the faith community’s sign of God’s action to cleanse us from sin and welcome us into God’s family. Whether it is a child or an adult, please speak to the pastor about your baptism needs or questions.
Whole-Life Stewardship God has blessed each of us to participate in different ways. If you would like to get involved, consider volunteering to serve others on one of our teams from being a guide on our Ancestor’s Walk, to offering your talent in singing, performing, teaching, serving, or worship. If you want to financially support our ministry in the community, you may select the Giving tab on our website and click the green tithe.ly button. As you enter the Red Brick Church we provide two offering opportunities. The first offering plate is our Deacon’s collection for local missions. The second is our general collection. Out of God’s abundance flows the spirit of generosity, each according to their gifts.
Prayer Should a need arise in your life, or in the life of someone you know, we want to pray with and for you. Visit our Prayer Page to request prayer and express answers to prayer. During worship, we receive prayer requests from our online and in-person worshippers. You may also email your prayer requests to the office.
Everyone’s welcome to get involved in the way that is best for them!
Are You Ready to Grow From Tourist to Explorer?
Ask us when the next Explorer Group is forming!
We are delighted that you have found many reasons to be involved at Cold Spring Church! We are honored by your current connection with us. But if you’re looking for something more, here’s an opportunity for you to consider!
Connect to the possibilities! Bless the world!
Our red brick church building is our worship center and has held continuous services from 1714 to the present. Our congregation has been influenced, in part, by its history, community, and tradition. Registered as a National Historic Landmark Site, legend tells us that five presidents were visitors: Harrison, Lincoln, Pierce, Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.
Most churches in the early 18th Century were the community’s meeting place and our first building was a log meetinghouse. It was upgraded to a frame and shingle church in 1764. The current structure, affectionately known as “Old Brick” for its red brick composition, is of federal design and was erected in 1823 by Thomas Hughes, the architect of well the known Congress Hall in Cape May, New Jersey, located only three miles down the road.

> From the early 1700’s, Cold Spring Church was always on the main road, in the middle of community life.

> Cold Spring Presbyterian Church is a faith community connected to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and is a member and mission partner of West Jersey Presbytery, our regional council.
Our campus of more than 150 acres includes parking areas, large lawns, wetlands, and is home to several bald eagles.
Inside the main sanctuary, the pews have individual doors, and there is seating for 200. In the 19th century, a popular means of raising funds during construction was to have church members purchase their own pews. Each pew was then numbered and equipped with its own door and latch, which still exist today. The doors are no longer used, as our understanding has shifted from individual to communal worship.
The U-shaped balcony overlooks the sanctuary and houses an organ, a choir loft, and seating for approximately 100 people.
In 1979, Price Hall was erected nearby as a fellowship and social hall, where many community groups meet including the Cape May Garden Club, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Cape May Women’s Club, among others. The manse (housing for the pastor) is also located on the church campus and was completed in 1958.
The church is surrounded by one of the oldest cemeteries in the United States. The oldest headstone is dated 1742 and is the resting place of Sarah Eldridge Spicer. More Mayflower descendants are buried here than anywhere outside of Massachusetts. Our Mausoleum and recently dedicated Veteran’s Memorial Park featuring our nation’s flag and each of the United States service flags is a frequented destination throughout the year.
During the warmer months, Cold Spring Church hosts guided walking tours of our historic campus with docents in period costume recounting the stories in the church’s worship center and cemetery grounds. We are also located adjacent to Historic Cold Spring Village, one of our community partners.
For more information, please contact the office at 609-884-4065.
Cold Spring Church is an active partner with our neighbors including community, ecumenical, and service agencies all across Greater Cape May and Cape May County.
Cold Spring Presbyterian Church, located at the corner of Seashore Road and Academy Road in Cold Spring, Lower Township, New Jersey, is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and West Jersey Presbytery, our regional council.