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This Week’s Preview
Gathering At the Lord’s Table
You are welcomed to Jesus’ table. Our in-person worshippers will be provided pre-packaged communion cups, which online worshippers may request by contacting the office. Or, choose the bread you prefer. You may use grape juice or wine or water for the cup, remembering that Christ is the Living Water for all.
Message Preview
The many appearances of Jesus did not occur where we might at first expect in the Temple courts or in places thought to be associated with religious activity. Instead, Jesus shows up wherever people happen to be. On the Third Sunday of Easter, we join the disciples who are still amazed and energized by the power of the resurrection. In John 21, Jesus met the disciples at the seashore where they were fishing, and Jesus served breakfast! This week, Jesus has prepared a meal for us as we gather at the Lord’s Table. But as the disciples discovered, the spiritual nourishment we enjoy is much more than a simple gesture of hospitality meeting a need for the moment. Pastor Kevin’s message, You Give Them Something To Eat, will encourage and equip you to extend Jesus’ Table to others everywhere you happen to be.
This Week’s Music Preview
We begin worship with a special countdown video and a stirring soundtrack that depicts the stone rolling away in front of an empty tomb. Throughout our worship we will enjoy special piano accompaniment to help set the spiritual tone during prayers and silent reflections.
Following the message, our video music is Do You Love Me? It will inspire us to consider the opportunity to join Jesus in his mission to fuel the spiritual renewal in others. While the song writer is known only as W.M., thousands around the world have enjoyed this powerfully simple message set to a tune that will likely stay with you all day. Join in the chorus!
Our communion video hymn is Blessed Jesus, Living Bread, written by American hymnodist Jaroslov J. Vadja. We are nourished and fed as a body of believers as we receive the bread and the cup. We will sing of God providing physical sustenance in mana from heaven to the spiritual substance of God’s Word in the Bible. From Jesus Christ, the living bread, who came to take away the sins of the world as we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Our sending hymn is Will You Let Me Be Your Servant (The Servant Song). The opening and closing stanza expresses the essence of this folk-style song about the mutuality of servant ministry: those who serve must also be willing to be served. This is what Christ intended when he commanded the disciples to “wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14) and in today’s Gospel from John 21, when Jesus commanded the disciples to feed others in Jesus’ name.
“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).
Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!
Enjoy sitting with others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.
Worship anytime on YouTube Live!
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Physical distancing and masks are NOT required!
You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Feel free to share photos or text friends about what you are learning! Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!
Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.
We are excited to welcome to worship all who are able and comfortable in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM.