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Our transformation pastor, the Rev. Dr. Kevin Yoho, shares an energizing and interactive message from the Bible each week. Hear and share the Good News!

2019-05-12 Message For Kids- God Has Faith In You, Believing In Tough Times

By Sermons

Melissa and traveled to another part of the world and discovered a really cool place people lived long ago. Can you guess what part of the world it was in? Go ahead, guess! OK. Mexico. Not even close! Again? Somalia. Well, on this globe, the place I want to tell you about is within an “inch or two” of Somalia! Here is is. I’m talking about Turkey, the country, not the bird. In Turkey, Melissa and I learned that early followers of Jesus loved him very much, but not everybody else agreed with them. In fact, some of the countries leaders hated Jesus and chased the Christians into the mountains. They lived in carved out rooms like this… This is a carving from Turkey in Cappadocia representing the places Christians fled for safety. Sometimes, you may feel that others around you may treat you differently because of your faith in Jesus. Remember that no everyone had to agree and believe like you do! People have choice and God loves everyone, never giving up showing love to everyone. God has faith in you! Always. I’m glad you believe in Jesus, trust in him, and will remember that those early Christians believed in tough times, and didn’t stay in the mountains. Soon, they returned to their homes and lived as faithful followers of Jesus sharing the good news of God’s love.

2019-04-28 Message- Where Do You Put the Doubt (Innovation and Faith)

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Coffee had a nickname. The Devil’s drink! How did that happen?

About 900 AD, Ethiopian Cadi the goat herder, discovered his goats eating berries that made them go crazy from what we know to be caffein! He tried it and made a drink. Eventually, word of mouth taste tests promoted the drink to Yemen. 600 years passed and in 1511 it comes to Mecca 🕋. First is banned by the Muslim clerics because this unwanted innovation with unknown consequences and side effects kept drinkers congregating in coffee bars instead of the mosque! But eventually, the Chief Muslim cleric enjoyed it so much, he lifted the ban! A hundred years after that, coffee reaches the trade routes to Europe. By 1600, Europeans are loving coffee, but this drink innovation was hurting the pocketbooks of proprietors selling beer 🍺and wine 🍷. Foreign innovation from the competing Muslim Ottoman Empire brought on another ban.

Church leaders called it the Devil’s drink! Coffee houses threatened the beer houses.

One day, anti-coffee Bishops petitioned Pope Clement 8 to excommunicate anyone who drank the Devil’s Drink! But, when the Pope asked to taste it, he found it to be delicious!

Instead of banning coffee, the Pontiff blessed coffee and said it should be baptized as the new Christian drink!

We fear new things and we doubt that something we believe to be “new” can be true. There is an anxiety over loss. When we doubt, we are protecting ourselves from loss.

With everything new, we risk the future we had been planning.

While we celebrate Easter every year, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead means we can enjoy a resurrection-way of life every day. At Sunset Beach’s sunrise service, the message offered resources on what we do with fear. Fear is understandable. Even expected to be experienced from time to time. But what about Doubt? This week, bring your doubts, your struggles of faith as we look in on many women and men disciples who expressed their doubt. Jesus appeared in their midst! Where did Thomas put his doubt? Find out where to put your doubt this Sunday as we gather for the Second Sunday of Easter and hear a message from John 20:19-31. (Hint: Doubt is not lessoned by more facts, but with personal experience with the truth. Jesus is alive! Meet him and see!)

2019-04-28 Message for Kids-

By Sermons

Do you have a nickname? Sure. Many of us do. Some are very complimentary. Others, not so much. But if a nickname may fit us initially, we can always change our nickname to describe the best of us. For example, do you remember the disciple’s name who doubted Jesus was alive after dying on the cross for us? Yes. Doubting Thomas. Actually, Doubting was not his first name! It was his nickname given by others describing his lack of faith. We doubt when we don’t fully believe, when we don’t yet understand something entirely. Like when our parents tell us not to eat too much sugar, Or to go to bed early. We say to ourselves, “That can’t be true! Its just too crazy!” So we can give nicknames to our parents. They are “out of it”, or “Mean” or “Don’t understand me.” But we figure out most of the time these nicknames, labels, don’t need to stick because people can grow and change. We grow. Our parents grow.

Doubting Thomas grew, too. He came to understand that Jesus was truly alive! Its unfortunate that through the centuries we have kept Thomas in the Doubting box. Instead, let’s start a new tradition. Thomas’s nickname is Believing Thomas. And that’s a great nickname for us, too.

2019-04-26 Memorial Service Celebrating the Life of Jane Peacock

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A Celebration of the Life of Jane Peacock

Prelude: Ms. Jayne McDonough, organist

Gathering and Welcome: Rev. Dr. Kevin Yoho

Music: The Prayer: Rev. Doug Baker

Scripture Readings: Rev. Dr. Robert Reader Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, Isaiah 40:28-31

Hymn #280(blue):Amazing Grace


The Lord’s Prayer: (debts/debtors)

Scripture Readings: Psalm 23, John 14:1-6

Music: Medley, Aaron Weiss

Scripture Readings: Isaiah 64:8, Ephesians 2:8-10

Meditation- The Potter’s Joy, Rev. Dr. Kevin Yoho

Hymn #276(blue) Great is Thy Faithfulness

Prayer and Benediction


2019-04-21 Easter Message- Ground Zero

By Music, Sermons

Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate the most astonishing, earth-shaking news that could ever be heard! But, over the centuries, even Easter’s events can seem pretty tame, ordinary. We know the story. But we can re-experience the power of “He is risen!” Easter…Ground Zero! Feel the tremors of resurrection power. See new life emerge from the unlikeliest places. From the Tree of Life’s promise in the Garden, to the eternal life revealed when Jesus hung on a wooden cross, a different Tree of Life, hope is ours! Let God turn ordinary into the extraordinary as we enjoy special music, an energizing message, and a welcoming, joyful experience. Shake up your life listening, then applying this message to your life!

2019-04-21 Easter Message for Kids-

By Sermons

Easter is all about… right! Easter bunnies! No? Oh, sure. Easter is about chocolate and other candy! No? Oh, what is Easter about, then? Very good. Easter is all about Jesus. From the wood cross where he died so that you and all can live forever, Jesus was buried in a grave. But when they returned a few days later, the grave was empty! Where did he go? Jesus is risen, he is alive, though he died, he is alive now, for ever! Jesus is near by. With you every day. That’s what Easter is about.

2019-04-21 Easter Sunrise Message- Where Do You Put the Fear

By Sermons

What did the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead mean to two fearful disciples on the road to Emmaus? Find out at Sunset Beach when we gather at 6:15 AM for our third annual sunrise service on the deck at the Grill. Uplifting music, message, and great breakfast refreshments will help you start your day in joy!