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2019-09-29 Message- The Case of the Man Who Never Noticed

By Intersections, Sermons

A 69-year-old Spanish man was fined after officials discovered he hadn’t shown up to work for at least six years. Ironically, the civil servant was discovered only when the deputy mayor attempted to give him an award for 20 years of “loyal and dedicated” service. He finally surfaced and was fined for abandonment of his employment. But, really, how could someone not notice he was missing?

Being a good neighbor is about closing the gaps. Building bridges. Making connections. Amazing things can result when we improve our noticinga and interacting with our neighbors. According to a U.S. survey (, there are generational, gender, religious, and political differences as to who makes the best neighbor. Fun Fact: Baby Boomers (born 1946 – 1964) appear to be the nicest neighbors of any generation, but every generation can improve because 1/3 of Americans have never met their neighbors! The apostle Paul wrote, “When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it” (Galatians 6:10a).

Generational, gender, religious, income, and political differences created divisions between individuals and communities in Jesus’ day, too. This week, Pastor Kevin’s message, “The Case of the Man Who Never Noticed,” concerns a rich man who neglected his neighbor. More than a morality tale, we will consider the radical nature of Jesus’ mission and the equally radical call to address the chasms of life. Let’s close the gaps!

All this and more this week at Cold Spring Church. (And remember, following worship, we will enjoy our Annual Fall Picnic! See you Sunday!

2019-09-22 Message- Standard of Giving, Standard of Living

By Sermons

Taking care of ourself is good advice! Cold Spring Presbyterian Church provides resources for you to experience the abundant life through Christ, and all of us invest a great deal of our time, energy, and attention in accomplishing our whole-life wellness, which we can call our standard of living. We pay attention to all aspects of our life, our mind, body, and spirit, too, because our time, energy, and talents are exchangeable for the resources we need to maintain or improve our standard of living. The Bible speaks a lot about our standard of living, the standards we adhere to that show our love for God and others, and how we measure the standard of living we achieve.

This week, we will consider an often overlooked and misunderstood parable of Jesus about a business manager and how he traded his time, energy, and attention to achieve his standard of living, but forgetting its relationship to his standard of giving. (Fun Fact: Did you know that 38 parables deal directly with money? Yes! And in the Bible, more than 2,000 verses are about money and possessions!)

Pastor Kevin’s message, Standard of Giving, Standard of Living about a dishonest manager will help us all learn how to make the best, even shrewd, decisions, and teach our families to do the same, as we spend, save, and give, each according to our own unique life experience.

Hear the word. Internalize the word. Share the word! Catch up on recent messages at

2019-09-15 Message- Who Is Your “One”?

By Sermons

You may use it to give you peace of mind, and to locate a missing item. There are several companies like TrackR that offer a super tiny electronic tracking device you register to your smart phone and attach to a item of value, like your key ring. Should you misplace your keys, “Beep. Beep. Beep.” You not only hear the signal, but you can open your smart phone and locate the missing item on a map. TrackR’s tagline: Find more. Search less.

Finding what’s lost is not a new idea. This week, we will hear Jesus’ story of the lost sheep which begins with a highly questionable assumption: “Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it?” If that crowd around Jesus included 100 shepherds, it is more likely that ninety-nine of them would be thinking—
“Are you kidding me, Jesus? I’m staying with my ninety-nine secure sheep and doing everything I can to make sure I don’t lose any more of them. Wow. Why would I leave what I already have to head into the wild, unknown places, to look for just one lost sheep—who is not worth it and is probably already dead or injured? That’s crazy!”

But Jesus insists that a truly GOOD shepherd would immediately go looking, not stopping his search until the animal is located. The GOOD shepherd listens for the “Bleep. Bleep. Bleep.” Then, when that one sheep returns on the loving shoulders of the GOOD shepherd, he will triumphantly and joyously parade back to his friends and neighbors calling them to “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.” Every One matters to Jesus. How about you?

What are you searching for? Maybe you feel a bit lost? We put Jesus’ priority of searching and finding the one’s who are not here (instead of being content with those we already have). One is worth everything to the GOOD shepherd who invests in those who Are at risk and most deserve attention and compassion.

“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance” (Luke 15:10).

This week, Pastor Kevin’s message is titled, “Who Is Your One?” from Luke 15:1-10. Get resources to help search for the One’s and the None’s all around us. Jesus’ tagline: “Find one. Rejoice. Search more. ” One’s matter to Jesus.

2019-09-01 Message- Stacking-Up Mission Hospitality

By Sermons

We sometimes overlook, or misunderstand, the revolutionary character of Jesus’ message. This week’s text from Luke 14:1, 7-14, is worth taking a closer look. Jesus’ advice was to, “not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors to your luncheons, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid.” Instead Jesus declares that his followers (that’s us!) should invite those who have no hope of ever repaying their host— those he so-called “the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.” In other words, those so-called outcasts who can never promote their hosts’ status, and whose presence at table will most likely pull down their host’s standing in the community social structure. Wow. Hospitality occurs when the stranger and neighbor and the excluded are intentionally invited and included! All are welcome means, well, ALL are welcomed (and intentionally invited, sought out, and brought!).

Jesus is describing a whole new model of hospitality. How could our worship, concerts, dinners, bazaars, and all other community-facing events become more seed-planting, farming-style, and hospitality-driven? Let’s consider our amazing events to be interconnected… and stack them up, one on top of the other, each connected to the other, so that together they become cascading opportunities to welcome the stranger, reach out to neighbors, and in the end, embrace God’s own love for us all. Let’s not overlook God’s seeking out of us, welcoming us into the abundant life through Christ!This Fall, let’s stack-up our events in authentic and humble hospitality. God’s love… for all! (Who will you invite?!)

2019-08-04 Message- Your Life Storage Locker

By Sermons

Look around you and you’ll notice that one of the fastest growing, most profitable businesses involves renting out storage units. The storage industry is bigger and more profitable than the entertainment industry in Hollywood. People spend more money on storage than on movies or entertainment.

Few people stay in one place anymore. It seems like 1 out of every 4 people you meet were born outside of Cape May. On average, people in the United States move at least eleven times during their lifetime. Sometimes the spaces are bigger; sometimes the spaces are smaller. We get new jobs, we get married, we have families, we get divorced, we become “empty nests,” we move across the country. All of these changes in lifestyle and location can involve a pressing need for storage. We just love or must store “stuff.” If we have access to “bigger barns,” we are liberated and uninhibited about amassing more stuff to fill those empty spaces. We think more “stuff” will make us feel more situated, safe, and secure. While authentic emotional attachments can be a positive influence in our lives, its just a likely that emotional attachments to things can diminish our lives, too. What to do?

Jesus’ parable in this week’s lesson from Luke 12:13-21 reminds us that the best “storage” we can have is not in storage lockers but in the hearts of those we love, the minds of our communities and our neighbors, and those in need. Who did God prioritize to be recipients of our accumulated “stuff” and “treasures”? Those who are treated unjustly, the strangers, visitors, women, children, the sick and injured, the cast-out and the left-out are the real “storage units” for any leftovers and surplus in our lives.

You may want to invite someone with you to worship this week as we talk about life’s storage lockers. (Then get ready for the new!)

Pastor Kevin

“Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being” (Matthew 6:19-21).

2019-07-28 Persistence Is Never Futile

By Sermons

Last week we revisited the first moon landing on July 20, 1969. Wow. (You may listen to the message, Mary, Martha, and the Moon, just below on this page.) This week, we hear Jesus teach his followers a prayer. We refer to it as The Lord’s Prayer, but is it the “Lord’s” prayer”? Maybe it should have been called the Disciple’s Prayer, but the Prayer, whatever its title, is a common-sounding prayer. What made the Prayer unique was not it content, but to whom it was addressed. No rabbi in Jesus time, or before or since, would have started any prayer referring to God as “Daddy”! That’s right. “Our Father…” is the term “Daddy” and Jesus shocked his listeners who were not used to having such a personal relationship with the Creator! What’s more, after Jesus’ outrageous prayer lesson, he tells a few stories that encouraged the disciples to even be persistent in prayer, courageous in prayer, with God. Now that’s shocking!

Become a part of Jesus’ prayer lesson and learn about why Persistence Is Never Futile when we are connected to the Jesus Force this week the Red Brick Church. You’ll want to bring along a few friends to worship with you, too! Everyone’s welcome!

2019-07-14 Message- Who The Good Samaritan REALLY Is

By Sermons

When Jesus’ advance team returned, it was a celebration like no other! Last week I sent the kids on their own “You Go First!” Journey to the balcony to retrieve a hidden treasure and bring it back. remember what they discovered in the yellow bag?! Amazing things happen when Jesus asks us to go first! (You may want to listen to the message, “You Go First!”, here!)

Immediately after those good news reports, a lawyer who wanted to prove himself stood in the front of the group and asked Jesus who his neighbor was. NOBODY ever asked that question! Why would they? But Jesus answered the lawyer’s question with a story about a Samaritan (i.e., bad guy in the story) who was good (not the fairy tale ending the lawyer was expecting!).

One take-away as we hear this story is to be inspired to be a better neighbor as we identify with the Good Samaritan and be more like him. Good. But could we identify not with the Good Samaritan, but with the Good Traveler who was left for dead along the road, the one whom the Good Samaritan generously assisted? Umm.

Do you ever feel like you’ve fallen in a ditch? Lost your way? Maybe felt like someone or some thing left you for dead? Maybe you’re run out of resources when you thought that would never happen to you! Feels bad, sure. We all have felt like that from time to time. But the Good News twist we’ll discover is that we’ve got a lot in common with that Traveler on the road and we will take a few steps in the Traveler’s shoes to prove it. But if we are the Traveler in the story, who is the Good Samaritan representing? Find out this and much more on Sunday, July 14th!

Become a part of Jesus’ story this week the Red Brick Church where travelers from Mayflower descendants to presidents have found hope for the journey. You’ll want to bring along a few traveling companions to worship with you, too. We’re ready for a road trip at Cold Spring Church!

2019-07-07 Message- You Go First!

By Sermons

Last week we crossed the Rubicon where Jesus was leading us to spiritual resolution and revolution, hopeful futures, and transformational change. Well, this week, our Gospel reading is from Luke 10, and instead of following Jesus, Jesus tells us to go first! Really?
Jesus did amazing things. He showed people the way, spoke the truth, and gave life. But there comes a time when disciples have to go out on their own. Like our campus’ eagles, George and Adele, who forced their eaglets, Elliot and Eloise, out of the nest so they could achieve their potential and take responsibility for their own future!

Similarly, Jesus sent an advance team of 72, ordinary people in need of the kindness of strangers, yet given the authority to heal and cast out spirits, a power made known to those who welcome them and provide for their needs. The Jesus way requires trust on the part of those going and those to whom the disciples are sent to produce a plentiful harvest to be gathered, shared and used to feed the world, physically and spiritually.

Maybe you’re like me, feeling a bit overwhelmed when my grandkids wanted me to go on the Buccaneer Pirate Ride. Whoa! Did I want to go first? No way. But, I knew it was important to them, and also to me. Wow! Going first can be scary sometimes, but God sends us ahead with the promise of a harvest of goodness, if we don’t give up! What a ride!!

We may think: wouldn’t it have been better for Jesus to go first and for us to follow? Wouldn’t Jesus going first offer a greater display of power get people’s attention and move the story of redemption forward with greater speed and efficiency? Apparently, no. All of us have been sent ahead. Are you ready to go first? Jesus is.

One way to “go first” is to invite someone with you to worship this week. It’s time to leave the nest! Get up and go!

2019-06-23 Message- Everyone Has A Story, Spiritual Consumption to Production

By Sermons

Everyone loves a great story. But did you know you ARE a story? Each of us represent a story being written every day as we experience life and enjoy our relationship with God through Christ. In Luke 8, find out what happened on the beach one day when new connections were made. When we connect with Jesus, we experience God’s love in a very personal and transforming way. Jesus heals us, transforms us. We are restored to the world. Our story unfolds in God’s emerging future of hope! That’s great news for Cape May! It’s awesome news for the entire << Test Last Name >> family, too!

There’s a huge difference between being a spiritual consumer and a spiritual producer. When we consume, we take all the good and keep it to ourselves to enjoy. But when we realize God has blessed us to share with others, we become a spiritual producer! Cold Spring Church has been a spiritual production house of worship and mission site for 305 years! We have a story to tell, and you are part of that story!

When we encounter Jesus on our particular beachhead, with our own affirmations, afflictions, and addictions, and are healed and transformed by his mighty power and love, Jesus doesn’t want us to keep that to ourselves. That would be selfish! That would be like keeping a light under a bushel basket, wouldn’t it? It would be like finding a piece of nourishing bread and then withholding it from someone who is hungry!

Did God heal your illness? Spread the news.

Did God restore a relationship? Spread the news.

Did God bring you unexpected financial help? Spread the news.

Did God give you hope? Spread the news!

Did God answer your prayer? Spread the news!

Did God give you a second chance? A third or fourth chance? Spread the news.

This Sunday let’s meet Jesus at the “beach”, of our lives because when you meet Jesus in your greatest or your darkest hour, the place of deepest joy or need, God graces you with blessings too good to be true, but which are true, that doesn’t stay at the beach.

What happens on our “beach” is worth spreading near and far. Find out how this Sunday. Remember to invite a friend to worship with you. Spread the news, because everyone has a story to share!

Vote For Yourself

By Intersections

“Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say”
(Proverbs 16:33, MSG).

Who will you vote for on election day? Voting has become one of the most polarizing issues in the country. We are often quick to describe our opinion on an issue by criticizing or dismissing others who express alternate views. There are over 71,000 registered voters in Cape May County, and ballots cast totaled 59%. Voting is an essential opportunity for every eligible citizen to participate in civic conversation.

The Gallup Pole folks say that year in and year out, we vote when the issues matter to us. What matters to you?

When we vote for the candidates of our choice, we are making a statement about ourselves.

“My vote doesn’t matter!” is a myth because it denies the value we place on ourselves, and intrinsically possess. If we choose not to vote and not participate in the structures of government whether at City Hall or the local church, we make a statement about how much we value our own ideas. Your ideas matter!

Those who refuse to accept the responsibility to be involved implicitly cast a vote about their own self-worth by their silence in the election process. Make every effort to participate.

The implication of our form of government (United States as well as Presbyterian) is that we all have something to offer. We may not all be as loud or (better) articulate as the next person, but let’s not forget that we are all created to be communicators of ideas, and creators of possibilities. That’s what Cold Spring Presbyterian Church represents to. The greater Cape May community, possibilities that are empowered by the Spirit as we follow Jesus Christ.

According to Peter Block writing about building thriving neighborhoods, “the core question is this: What is the means through which those of us who care about the whole community can create a future for ourselves that is not just an improvement, but one of a different nature from what we now have?” (Peter Block, Community, 2008, p 33).

Our ideas and perspectives are full of value! We are created in the image of God. We can choose to be creative in expressing our own uniqueness at home, and the office, at church, in the community, when we participate with others. We make a positive statement that we are important, our community is important, and we have something to say when we vote. Over the past few years more and more of us are volunteering, offering gifts, getting involved in ways that matter to them, and the community is noticing. More and more people are finding resources they really want from our community of faith. Thank you for participating in God’s mission to Energize Spirits and Transform Lives!

What you think about yourself is the bottom line. “Will you be at the polls Tuesday?” And after Election Day, how will you get more involved to be an even greater blessing to others around you?!

Pay attention to the issues and the candidates who are vying for political leadership. Take time for living the life Jesus invites us all to enjoy by gettin involved in any way you can. Vote for yourself, then for the candidates of your choice. Let others know you take your ideas seriously. I do.

Pastor Kevin