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Communications Team

2019-04-21 Easter Message- Ground Zero

By Music, Sermons

Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate the most astonishing, earth-shaking news that could ever be heard! But, over the centuries, even Easter’s events can seem pretty tame, ordinary. We know the story. But we can re-experience the power of “He is risen!” Easter…Ground Zero! Feel the tremors of resurrection power. See new life emerge from the unlikeliest places. From the Tree of Life’s promise in the Garden, to the eternal life revealed when Jesus hung on a wooden cross, a different Tree of Life, hope is ours! Let God turn ordinary into the extraordinary as we enjoy special music, an energizing message, and a welcoming, joyful experience. Shake up your life listening, then applying this message to your life!

2019-04-21 Easter Message for Kids-

By Sermons

Easter is all about… right! Easter bunnies! No? Oh, sure. Easter is about chocolate and other candy! No? Oh, what is Easter about, then? Very good. Easter is all about Jesus. From the wood cross where he died so that you and all can live forever, Jesus was buried in a grave. But when they returned a few days later, the grave was empty! Where did he go? Jesus is risen, he is alive, though he died, he is alive now, for ever! Jesus is near by. With you every day. That’s what Easter is about.

2019-04-21 Easter Sunrise Message- Where Do You Put the Fear

By Sermons

What did the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead mean to two fearful disciples on the road to Emmaus? Find out at Sunset Beach when we gather at 6:15 AM for our third annual sunrise service on the deck at the Grill. Uplifting music, message, and great breakfast refreshments will help you start your day in joy!

2019-04-18 Message- Living Life Feet First

By Sermons

Jesus used foot washing to show several lessons: Hospitality and serving is a mission of Jesus’ followers. The faith community, the host: 1. must take care of their guests. 2. Always serve. Serve others in worship, teaching, dinners, teams, groups, and every interaction with the community. 3. When we serve, our feet will get dirty.

The only way our feet will be dirty is if we go somewhere! So let’s get our feet, and our hands, dirty in serving our community generously! Then, we will look most like Jesus who came to seek and to save everyone who has lost their way.

Where will your feet take you today in service to others?!

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15).

2019-04-14 Message- The Home Stretch, From Palms to Passion

By Sermons

According to the World Happiness Report 2018released last week, Finland is top of the world for happiness, closely followed by Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Four out of the top five spots are Nordic, and are well known to be stable, safe and socially progressive. The Happiness Report measures a nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(money matters), Longevity(people like living longer), Corruption(If citizens don’t trust government and business, they’re not happy), Social Support(you know others have your back and support), and Freedom (making your own important life choices is better than the government telling you what to do). People who live in a nation that scores high in GDP, Longevity, Social Support, and Freedom, but low in Corruption, likely have a better life experience than those that live in an under-performing nation. And if you‘re wondering, the United States ranked 18th out of 52 nations surveyed.

We prefer to feel happy. Happy is good. People in Jesus’ time also wanted to feel happy. That’s why many devotees of Jesus (not just the disciples) clamored for Jesus to take over their nation. This week is Palm Sunday where we will begin our “feel good” happy time when Jesus arrives in Jerusalem as the new King. But, after only a few days, the political climate shifts unexpectedly as Jesus goes from Palms to Passion. Passion refers to Jesus’ suffering as he is betrayed, denied, arrested, tortured, ridiculed, slandered, and (without a real trial) is sent to death row. By Friday, Jesus is dead. All hope was lost. Or, was it?

If there was such a thing as a World Happiness Report 33 (yes, AD 33!), the people in Palestine would have been at the lowest ranking. GDP was down (the religious leaders controlled the dysfunctional economy). The average life expectancy in Jesus day was about 45. Corruption affected every sphere of life from the Temple, to politics, to the trades. Social Support was spotty at best but the generation family systems had its advantages over our more modern nuclear family today, that is is you weren’t female, young, poor, sick, or had a physical difference. And what about Freedom? Simply, what freedom. Rome was the occupying political power and squashed personal freedoms, especially those of a different political party or who didn’t play and pay by their rules.

This week we follow Jesus as the Lenten Journey is in the Home Stretch with a message titled,  TheHome Stretch—From Palms to Passion. You will participate in an interactive reading of the Palmsscripture reading along side the Passionscripture reading and make up your own mind about Jesus and happiness.

“…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

2019-04-14 Message for Kids- The Singing Stones

By Sermons

Did you know stones could sing? Yes, they can! When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he was welcomed as King. People were pretty excited, it was a red carpet experience that everyone celebrated. Well, almost everyone. A group of fake-religious leaders called Pharisees criticized Jesus and told him to stop the festivities! Imagine that. They wanted to stop the Jesus party. The children were singing, “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!,” chanting this over, and over as God’s promises spoken long ago were being realized then and there. Jesus said, no way! Even if I told them to keep quiet, the stones themselves would start to sing! Yes, singing stones, because all creation, everything that God made, the universe and all that’s in it—including you!, are designed to enjoy God’s presence and sing God’s praises. Take a look in the special Holy Week burlap pouch… Look! Singing stones! Stones with words of Scripture on them. Would you pick one and read it to us so we can hear the stones sing? Read more stones. Go ahead, and choose your favorite stone and keep it as a reminder that God loves you and shows his love through you. God will help you to sing through your life as you follow Jesus, just like these stones. Blessed in the one who comes in the name of the Lord!