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2019-06-23 Message- Everyone Has A Story, Spiritual Consumption to Production

By Sermons

Everyone loves a great story. But did you know you ARE a story? Each of us represent a story being written every day as we experience life and enjoy our relationship with God through Christ. In Luke 8, find out what happened on the beach one day when new connections were made. When we connect with Jesus, we experience God’s love in a very personal and transforming way. Jesus heals us, transforms us. We are restored to the world. Our story unfolds in God’s emerging future of hope! That’s great news for Cape May! It’s awesome news for the entire << Test Last Name >> family, too!

There’s a huge difference between being a spiritual consumer and a spiritual producer. When we consume, we take all the good and keep it to ourselves to enjoy. But when we realize God has blessed us to share with others, we become a spiritual producer! Cold Spring Church has been a spiritual production house of worship and mission site for 305 years! We have a story to tell, and you are part of that story!

When we encounter Jesus on our particular beachhead, with our own affirmations, afflictions, and addictions, and are healed and transformed by his mighty power and love, Jesus doesn’t want us to keep that to ourselves. That would be selfish! That would be like keeping a light under a bushel basket, wouldn’t it? It would be like finding a piece of nourishing bread and then withholding it from someone who is hungry!

Did God heal your illness? Spread the news.

Did God restore a relationship? Spread the news.

Did God bring you unexpected financial help? Spread the news.

Did God give you hope? Spread the news!

Did God answer your prayer? Spread the news!

Did God give you a second chance? A third or fourth chance? Spread the news.

This Sunday let’s meet Jesus at the “beach”, of our lives because when you meet Jesus in your greatest or your darkest hour, the place of deepest joy or need, God graces you with blessings too good to be true, but which are true, that doesn’t stay at the beach.

What happens on our “beach” is worth spreading near and far. Find out how this Sunday. Remember to invite a friend to worship with you. Spread the news, because everyone has a story to share!

2019-06-23 Message for Kids- You’re the Superhero of Your Own Story

By Sermons

Who is your favorite superhero? Lots to choose from! Walking down our aisle right now is super-model, our own, Mr. Chuck McPherson (not really a model!). He is wearing on of my favorite T’s featuring Jesus sitting on a steel beam with an assortment of superhero’s. Spider-Man hangs there. There’s Superman, Captain America, Batman, and many more. If you could be the hero of your own story, what powers would you want? Here’s the good news, while those particular powers may not be granted, Jesus makes you the hero of your own story. You’re created to know the Super Savior, Jesus, who is quite different than the other cool superheroes.

1. For one thing, superhero’s aren’t real! Jesus is.

2. Superhero’s all have powers, but they are vulnerable to one or more dangers, even fatal ones. Of course, we all have anxieties, fears, and parts to our life that may be called vulnerabilities, so we are more like superhero’s than we might at first think. But Jesus, has no vulnerabilities, sinless, nothing stops him from loving us or being with us. Jesus is a real hero because gave his life for us to live forever, then came back to life for ever! No superhero can do that!

3. Superhero’s have fans, but not followers. Jesus is personal and wants us not only to follow him, but to be like him! He gives us the Spirit to live more like him every day. Jesus invites us into our story and to share that story with others! Superhero’s don’t do that.

What kind of hero will you be? Chose to follow Jesus, to know Jesus, and an amazing story will be yours!