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2019-04-21 Easter Message- Ground Zero

By Music, Sermons

Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate the most astonishing, earth-shaking news that could ever be heard! But, over the centuries, even Easter’s events can seem pretty tame, ordinary. We know the story. But we can re-experience the power of “He is risen!” Easter…Ground Zero! Feel the tremors of resurrection power. See new life emerge from the unlikeliest places. From the Tree of Life’s promise in the Garden, to the eternal life revealed when Jesus hung on a wooden cross, a different Tree of Life, hope is ours! Let God turn ordinary into the extraordinary as we enjoy special music, an energizing message, and a welcoming, joyful experience. Shake up your life listening, then applying this message to your life!

2019-01-20 Message- Spirit Fall- A Theory of Everything

By Sermons

You will be glad to know you will hear God’s voice saying this week: “You are mine. You are loved.” Its great news about Jesus that can change your life in amazing ways. (Read on.)

In this week’s message from Acts 8, we will meet a group of people who didn’t know about the Spirit. At all. They knew about Jesus, all right, but no one introduced them to the power of the Spirit of God or how they could connect to that power. What’s more, they discovered how once the Spirit falls on your whole life, everything is changed for the better. Yes, its a theory of everything touched by God’s Spirit. You want to find out more? Great! Because the Spirit is falling!