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Message for Kids

2018-10-21 Message for Kids- I have the faith of a mustard seed, and I’m not afraid to use it

By Sermons

What do you need when you go trick or treating? Candy, right? What’s you favorite? Sure. Twist. Snickers. Skittles! But, what do you need? Not candy! How about faith? Jesus said that if you have faith even a small as this mustard seed, you can move mountains! Here is a mustard seed. Can you even see it? It’s super small. It’s one of the very smallest of the seeds, yet it grows and produces a great plant. You probably don’t need more candy, and guess what? You don’t need more faith, either. All you need to do is trust in God and know that God loves you more than you could possibly know, and wants your very best and has given you all you truly need in Jesus Christ. So this Halloween, as you fill your bag with candy, fill your life with faith and see what God will do!

What do you want for halloween? Candy?

What do you need for Halloween? Faith!

2018-10-07 Message for Kids- Learning Respect With the Frisbee

By Sermons

What are some rules you remember? No running down the hallway? Sitting quietly in class. Hands and feet to yourself! Sure. Rules are necessary so that everyone can be treated fairly, with dignity and respect. We live our best life when we follow the right rules. You know, the game of Frisbee has rules, too. Here’s a Frisbee for you. Our game is to toss the Frisbee to the pew and the rule is throw it just hard enough so that it doesn’t end up in rear of the sanctuary! And it has to land on the bench. O.K. Play! Great. So each of you played the game and you followed the rules. God has given us some rules, too. We find them in God’s love letter to us we call the Bible. In the Bible we learn about how Jesus lived his life and how to make our life look more and more like his! They guide us. They remind us. And when we have Jesus in our heart, we can learn and grow to follow the rules on our own. Whether in games or in life, following the rules helps us to treat others with dignity and respect, and also have a lot of fun as we live our very best selves. Enjoy the Frisbees!        

2018-09-30 Message for Kids- Time Check With God

By Sermons

It’s all about time. How do we know what time it is, or know if if the clock we have is set correctly? What do we do? Live “out of sync” or reset? Our choices: Try to set everybody else to our time (not a good choice!), or the better choice to set our time to God’s time. Let’s ask God to reset our clocks and keep in time with God.

2018-09-23 Message for Kids- Adults Are Slower Moving Kids. God loves all children.

By Sermons

What’s the difference between children and adults? Age? How about speed? Listen to the following pieces of music. Two pieces. Same music. Same pianist. Same piano. What’s different? (Glenn Gould, Goldberg Variations: 1. 1955. 2. 2005.) The first was faster than the second. The number “50” represents the difference between these two performances. 50 years between them. When younger, we move faster. As we become older, we move slower. But the childlike love for the music in 1955 was the same childlike love Glenn Gould played in 2005. All of us are children. We just move at different speeds. God loves all children, no matter how fast or slow they move!

2018-09-16 Message for Kids- Who I Am On The Inside

By Sermons

This week, Jesus asks his disciples who others say he is. Our identity, sense of self, is something that is uniquely ours, yet also something that others influence and may even have opinions about.

I will be using a mirror and inviting the kids to take a look at themselves and say what they see. And then ask them to consider what God sees. I will also have some fun with some eyeglass-funny nose masks to show them that we can all change our appearance on the outside, but who we are, growing and learning, happens on the inside.

2018-08-26 Message for Kids- When You Take A Stand, You Are Not Alone

By Sermons

Where do you stand?: With Jesus you do not stand alone!

When you see someone bullied, you have three choices:

Join In (you become a bully)

Ignore it and walk away (condone the bully behaviors)

Stand up for them, tell an adult (Change a life, bully learns, victim helped)

God showed us in creation that: Difference, Disability, Diversity are to be welcomed. There is no reason or room for bullying. Take a stand, you will not stand alone!

2018-08-19 Message for Kids- You are as unique as a Starfish. Each one helping one.

By Sermons

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a girl about your age picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the girl, he asked, “What are you doing?” She replied, “I’m throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” The man said, “There are hundreds of starfish on the miles of beach ahead, you can’t make a difference.”

After listening politely, the girl bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…” I made a difference for that one. Now, will you join me to save one more.”

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Let’s consider the worth of one another more highly than ourselves. The ancient scholars, the wisemen, followed the star to find Jesus. Let’s consider the starfish on our beaches, in our lives, that we can help get to a safer place.

2018-08-05 Message for Kids- Clean Your Glasses To See God At Work

By Sermons, Uncategorized

Here is an eye chart. Read the row. Nice. You see pretty good. Try these goggles on! New swim goggles. Tell me what you see. Oh, not so much? Why is that? There is something on the lens obscuring your vision. Sorry. Take this lens cleaner and let’s clean them up. Now you can see clearly. You know, God is doing all sorts of great things all around us. But some of the things God does can’t be easily seen. Love. Forgiveness. Hope. Peace. Our vision is clouded, our eyes of faith are obscured. What we need is a spiritual lens cleaning cloth. Here’s a lens cleaning cloth for your glasses. The spiritual cloth is made from hope and faith. Remember to begin your day with clear vision so we see God’s love in action right in fron to you.