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Grace and Gratitude

2019-06-02 Message- Everybody Out, The Message of Grace and Gratitude

By Sermons


Grace and GratitudeThe human instinct to survive is our most powerful drive. From our earliest age, we learned to respond instantly to danger. Everyone understands, “Everybody Out!” We practice fire drills at school, regularly change batteries in our smoke detectors, monitor neighbors who need mobility assistance, and do all we can to keep our homes safe and smart. Our Deacons in cooperation with the Session are also learning how to make our campus safer and welcoming. Some of our leaders have attended local security seminars led by the Department of Homeland Security. We will hear more about these initiatives in the months to come.

But there’s a different, hope-filled occasion when we hear the words, Everybody Out! As the Easter season concludes this Sunday, June 2, our Bible reading from Acts 16 tells how the Apostle Paul in Jesus name called people out of whatever held them back. Jesus doesn’t want people to barely survive, but to thrive!  To the woman’s dangerous spirit, Paul said, Everybody Out! To those merchants who took unfair advantage over their customers, Paul said, Everybody Out! To those bound in prison, Everybody Out! To those who were emotionally restrained, Paul said, Everybody Out! The Good News about Jesus provides a way out into a future of hope and possibilities. Jesus called that spiritually thriving life, the abundant life! And, its available to all.

If you’re looking for a safe place, a welcoming place, then you’ll want to come by Cold Spring Church on Sunday. Because once the gathered community of faith experiences worship, is equipped by the Spirit, nourished at the Lord’s Table, and then enjoyed the Hospitality Table, all of us will hear Jesus’ encouraging and words, Everybody Out! God sends us out, Everybody, every day, to show the grace and gratitude of God through Christ in all we do. See you Sunday!

The ADVENTure of Grace and Gratitude Is Measured By Our Faith In Action

By Intersections

“The Word became flesh and blood,

and moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes,
the one-of-a-kind glory,
like Father, like Son,
Generous inside and out,
true from start to finish” (John 1:14).

Hello. The month of December marks the season of Advent, the four Sundays prior to Christmas. Advent is designed to bring the community of faith on a adventure of faith… It starts with the promises foretold and then builds each week toward the mystery and celebration of God becoming human when Jesus moved into our neighborhood! This year could be the beginning of a new family tradition for you. As you read these words, let’s consider how Advent can be a truly remarkable and life-changing ADVENTure of faith. It all starts with…

Grace and gratitude. Yes, Grace and Gratitude are two essential attributes of a thriving community of faith. In fact, more than attendance, giving, and budget, the measure of a thriving community of faith is the measure of:

1) How God’s Grace impacts the community of faith, and

2) How the congregation’s Gratitude impacts the community at large.

Measure these impacts, and you can determine if a community of faith is thriving, or barely surviving, or even dying.

Each day offers ample evidence of God’s abundant blessings. You represent one of those blessings, too! I hope you enjoy the holiday season ahead. We recognize that many of us, along with our families, neighbors, and communities, face challenges and stresses, especially during the holidays. I hope you utilize your networks of connections that ensure your safety, wellness, and vitality. Pray for, and check-in on, neighbors. Give generously to community projects. Invite others to share hospitality at your table, or invite them to worship, or an event. Consider ways to remind others they are not alone this holiday season.

Two Christmas Eve Services— This Christmas, we have two inspiring Christmas Eve services, both held in our Worship Center. Plan to attend with your family and friends. At 10:30 a.m., you are invited to participate in our Morning Christmas Eve Service for the entire family. At 5:00 p.m., join us for our beautiful Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship Service. Experience your favorite Christmas music, Scripture readings, and a message about Jesus’ incarnation. Find out how our live’s can be more energized and purposeful through fresh expressions of the familiar Christmas Story.

As we celebrate 303 years of mission, we continue to learn and grow and make new connections with neighbors of every age. Thank you for the ways you help God’s Grace have impact in your life, and how you express Gratitude with impact on the community! Thank you for your continued support of Cold Spring Church through your participation in worship, prayer and financial gifts, volunteering in mission, and serving in leadership, What you do matters as together we see God do even more amazing things beyond our wildest imaginations! Impact, not effort, matters most.

Caring Compassion— From time to time, we face adversities of health, finance, relationships, crises, and pain. Across the street, across the nation, and around the world, poverty, injustice, violence, abuse, bad behaviors, and persistent oppression affects millions of people. I am grateful for the gifts that our community of faith represents that expresses God’s love and abundance. I celebrate the ways we are working to address our communities’ challenges with more and more of what I call Farming Events— transformational events that are designed to create connections between the community of faith and the community at large. Our hospitality, generosity, worship, witness, and collaborative community work have planted seeds and increased our capacity to show God’s love. Thank you!

Merry Christmas From Our Team—Along with our staff (Jayne, Judy, Scott, Chris, and Bob), our leadership team (session), and our caring team (deacons), I thank you for the privilege of serving greater Cape May with you. We are committed to surprising and delighting you with the spiritual and community resources you need to be a blessing With impact where God sends you every day. I offer prayers of gratitude for you, your families, and the communities we serve all year long.

May you experience God’s Grace, and express Gratitude this Advent and Christmas season!

On the ADVENTure with you,

Pastor Kevin