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thank you

Thank You For Joining and Supporting Our Mission!

By Intersections

Thank you for supporting our shared mission to bless greater Cape May with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Advent season prepares us to welcome the Messiah who enters our lives in these uncertain times. Your gifts continue to bless others and transform lives, and your partnership in the Gospel is needed now more than ever.

On behalf of the Finance Team, thank you for joining and supporting our mission with your financial gifts. Your gift may be mailed, given online through, or by visiting our website:

Though many find giving online to be a convenient and safe way to support our church’s ministry faithfully, some prefer offering in-person. You will find donation boxes in the Red Brick Church, and one marked General Ministry and the other designated to the Deacons Ministry. Or, mail your gift to the church office.

You may request traditional offering envelopes for 2021. Call me at 609-465-3411, and I will have them available to pick-up at worship, the church office, or mail the box of envelopes to you.

Your financial gifts, generous acts of kindness, and expressions of love that bless the entire community are deeply appreciated. May God’s grace and abundance continue to bless you with Christmas joy both now and in the years to come.


Elaine Jordan, Treasurer