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2019-12-15 Message- 5 Lenses of Christmas- Ultra Wide Lens, Do You See What I See?

By Intersections, Sermons, Uncategorized

Hearing, Tasting, Touching, Smelling. Seeing. Where do you experience the signs of Christmas? This week, Pastor Kevin continues his series using a camera lens metaphor in a message titled: The Ultra Wide Lens: Do You See What I See? from Matthew 11:2-11. An imprisoned and isolated John the Baptizer asks his followers what they see. Like Homeland Security’s often repeated alert: If you see something, say something! Jesus helps John’s followers to see, and then say something.

What do you need to see this Christmas? Where do you see Jesus’ restoration, reconciliation, and healing in your life and in the world? How can you share this good news with those who have not yet experienced it? If you haven’t seen signs of Christmas, keep looking! Maybe in the quiet places you may begin to see the work of God. In the most unexpected encounters you may sense God’s presence no matter how desolate the desert, or dismal the view.

The best way we can experience the signs of Christmas is to receive its healing power firsthand. What are you patiently waiting for this Advent? How do we participate in strengthening our hearts and hands and those of others?

Listen to this message of hope! Come to worship on Sunday and experience the full, ultra wide view of Jesus and the whole life wholeness that he offers now.

2019-12-15 Message for Kids- Selfies With Jesus

By Intersections, Sermons

Do you know how to take a selfie? Sure! Let’s take a few now. Here’s my iPhone, go ahead and take a selfie. Each of you can have a turn. Wow, great shots! Here at the manger scene, imagine its Christmas Eve when we put Jesus as a baby in the manger. If Joseph, Mary and Jesus were born today, do you think a few selfies would be taken?! Absolutely. Can you imagine Joseph holding his phone and taking a selfie with Jesus and Mary in the frame? This week and next, we have a great project for you to work on and you’ll use your photo in a frame like this. And when you take photos of yourself, remember that Jesus is right there in the frame with you, walking with you, always with you, and you can’t see him in the usual way, but he is there just as if it was your friend! This Christmas, and every day, Jesus is in your frame. Now, that’s good news!

2019-02-24 Message for Kids- #Selfie or #Selfless

By Sermons

A recent survey of people ages 18-24 revealed that “selfies” are their most popular genre of photography. The result of the survey is supported by evidence from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other media. What’s the difference with a Selfie? Who do you see when you take a selfie? Of course, yourself! The thing is, when you’re always focused looking at yourself you don’t see who? Others, right! When we are walking around all day, whether our phone is in front of our face or not, if we are constantly thinking about ourselves, what we want, we might be being selfish! Jesus wasn’t selfish. He freely gave himself for us so we would be forgiven and given an amazing life! And, Jesus doesn’t want us to be selfish either, but to be selfless!

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4).

So let’s remember: less selfie, more selfless. Selfie’s are O.K.. Selflessly paying attention to others is Jesus’ way!