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2020-03-01 Message for Kids- Jesus Walks In Our Shoes

By Intersections, Sermons

Making good decisions is always a great idea. Sometimes its difficult! But Jesus knows exactly how we feel. He understands us. To be a good friend means we can know a little bit about walking in someone else’s shoes. Take a look at my boots here! One of you want to try to walk in them!? It’s hard to do! Jesus knows us and knows how hard we try to do good, treat others with respect, and show God’s love. And that’s hard work! But because Jesus walks in our shoes, we know we are never walking alone!

2020-02-23 Message for Kids- Keeping Your Eye on the Ball

By Intersections, Sermons

Last week we learned that Cold Spring Church is the Church of Presidents! To become president, or any position you might seek in life, you must grow and learn every day in mind, body , and spirit. Jesus did the same. What things did you learn during last week? Tough question! (Thanks for sharing!)

How many games can you think of that use a ball? Baseball, basketball, baseball, volleyball, football, golf, tennis, ping pong! So many more, too! Catch this! Here’s ball for each of you. Toss it around. When you play a game with a ball, its super important that you keep your eye on the ball. If you don’t keep your eye on the ball, you will spend all of your time chasing it.

This week, I want you to keep your eye on Jesus. How do we do that? Read the Bible. Talk to God every day. So many ways to listen to Jesus. So keep your eye on the ball, and on Jesus, this week!

2019-12-15 Message for Kids- Selfies With Jesus

By Intersections, Sermons

Do you know how to take a selfie? Sure! Let’s take a few now. Here’s my iPhone, go ahead and take a selfie. Each of you can have a turn. Wow, great shots! Here at the manger scene, imagine its Christmas Eve when we put Jesus as a baby in the manger. If Joseph, Mary and Jesus were born today, do you think a few selfies would be taken?! Absolutely. Can you imagine Joseph holding his phone and taking a selfie with Jesus and Mary in the frame? This week and next, we have a great project for you to work on and you’ll use your photo in a frame like this. And when you take photos of yourself, remember that Jesus is right there in the frame with you, walking with you, always with you, and you can’t see him in the usual way, but he is there just as if it was your friend! This Christmas, and every day, Jesus is in your frame. Now, that’s good news!

2019-12-01 Message for Kids- Let the ADVENT-ure Begin With A -J-

By Intersections, Sermons

Notice anything different in our sanctuary this morning? (Kids notice everything!) Poinsettia Trees, decorations, the Advent Candles, and yes, a manger. Wait! It’s empty. Each week we will add characters to our Manger scene because Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of, who? That’s right, Jesus. And for our journey I want to give you a very special energy treat, its a Candy Cane! (Each child is given their own candy cane.) In this special package is not only a candy cane, and a Christmas stocking, but the story of how the candy cane came to be invented. It all started in Indiana, and well, you can learn more about it during your learning time upstairs in a few minutes. Here’s one thing you may not have known. The candy cane is in the shape of? (Turn the candy cane upside down.) A -J-! A -J- for? That’s right, Jesus. Next week we will continue our ADVENT-ure, add a few characters to our manger scene, and prepare for a great celebration, on the birthday of who? That’s right! -J- for Jesus who is with us every day.