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2020-02-02 Message- Neighbor-Words Bless Neighborhoods

By Intersections, Sermons

“Words to live by”… Whenever we hear this phrase our ears perk up, hoping that what’s spoken next will benefit us, or bless us. This week during worship in the Red Brick Church, we will hear what many consider to be Jesus’ most famous “words to live by” from Matthew 5:1-12 and Micah 6:8. As we will discover in Pastor Kevin’s message, Neighbor-words Bless Our Neighborhoods, blessings are the results of corresponding actions, not words alone. It is not what Jesus said but what he did (words into action) that brought about the reconciliation of the world. Jesus didn’t just change the world, but saved the world. Each of us can turn words of blessing into actions that bless our neighborhoods.

‘The influence of good people makes a city great.

    But the wicked can destroy it with their words’ (Proverbs 11:11 ICB).

This Week’s Actionables:

  1. When have you felt blessed by God? Why? What did that look and feel like? What changes did that blessing bring?
  2. What does it mean to you to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God? (All tangible actions.)
  3. What influence will you exercise in your life that will comfort others? Provide mercy? Include the “outsider”? Help someone experience God’s love in their life?

This is a great week to invite a friend or neighbor to worship with you. Once we were strangers, now we are neighbors and friends!