A Service of Witness to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and A Celebration of the Life of Robert E. Rhoads, 1949 – 2019
The Rev. Dr. Kevin Yoho, Officiant, Transformation Pastor
Prelude: Ms. Jayne McDonough, organist
Welcome Rev. Dr. Kevin Yoho
Gathering Music: Offered by Damien and Nathan Cwik
The Times They Are a Changing (Bob Dylan)
That’s Just the Way It Is (Bruce Hornsby)
Scripture Readings: Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, Isaiah 40:28-31
Music: Amazing Grace Offered by the Grandchildren
Accompanied by Randy Wehry
The Lord’s Prayer: (debts/debtors)
* Congregational Singing: #341 (blue) Blessed Assurance, Accompanied by Randy Wehry
Scripture Readings: Psalm 23, John 14:1-6
Music: Rock of Ages Randy Wehry
Scripture Readings: Isaiah 64:8, Ephesians 2:8-10
Music: How Great Thou Art Randy Wehry
Meditation- The Singer and the Song, Pastor Kevin
Psalm 98:1, 4, 8; Luke 18:39-41
* Congregational Singing: #223 (red) It Is Well With My Soul, Accompanied by Randy Wehry
Prayer and Benediction
Postlude: Ms. Jayne McDonough, organist
At the conclusion of this service, you are invited to the committal service in Cold Spring Cemetery, and luncheon following at West Cape May Fire Hall, 732 Broadway, Cape May, NJ 08204