You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Our welcoming, energizing, community worship begins at 10:30 AM every Sunday in the Red Brick Church. Get news and event information in your inbox every week by subscribing to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!
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Here’s this week’s worship preview!
Message Preview
The traveling disciples Jesus sent out returned after their community-blessing adventures with fantastic news. How about you? Now we will meet one of those religious-types who wanted to prove himself, looking for a loophole in the definition of “neighbor.” He was no Mr. Rogers!
Being a “neighbor” in 2022 can be challenging and complicated. But it wasn’t easy in the first century either. Jesus tells one of his most memorable stories, the “Good Samaritan.” It includes a surprise ending about mercy, neighborliness, and compassion, three qualities in short supply in the Roman-occupied territory of Israel. But that lawyer and many in the audience would have considered that Samaritan bad. Why? Because the Samaritan Jew broke the religious and social rules by showing mercy to the Jerusalem Jew who nearly died in a ditch.
One admirable takeaway from Jesus’ story is to be inspired to be a better neighbor. But can we also identify with who was left for dead along the road and received mercy? Mercy may be a bit expired to our modern ears. Mercy may just feel tired, not worth our effort. Jesus reminds us that mercy is needed now. Mercy is wired! Mercy is a needed spiritual behavior that can have incredible impact on those who receive it.
Do you ever feel like you’ve fallen into a ditch? Have you lost your way? Maybe felt like someone or something left you for dead? Perhaps you’ve run out of resources when you never imagined that that would happen! We have all felt like that from time to time. But the Good News twist we’ll discover is that we’ve a lot in common with that “left-for-dead” traveler on the road.
We’re ready for a road trip at Cold Spring Church! What is in your Go Bag? Become a part of Jesus’ story this week at the Red Brick Church, where travelers from Mayflower descendants to presidents have found hope for the journey. You’ll also want to bring a few traveling companions to our welcoming community worship on Sunday.
Music Preview
“O God, You Give Us Neighbors” will be sung by Barbara Cain. This Carolyn Winfrey Gillette song is based on Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan about the love of all neighbors.
Our lyric video hymn is God of the Poor (Beauty for Brokenness) by Graham Kendrick. It was commissioned by Tear Fund and originally recorded in 1993 for the Spark to a Flame album and re-recorded for 2011’s Very Best of Graham Kendrick.
To close the service we will be singing Though I May Speak (The Gift of Love). Among the most prominent New Testament texts is the discourse on love found in I Corinthians 13. Hal H. Hopson has paraphrased part of this beautiful text in what has become one of the most popular late 20th-century hymns, appearing in many major hymnals published in the U.S. since 1980. The melody is an adaptation of the folk melody “O Waly, Waly.” The original tune was collected by American folksong specialist Cecil Sharp and published in his Folk Songs from Somerset (1906). The original melody in triple meter has served as a hymn tune in many British publications.
“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).
Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!
Enjoy sitting with others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.
Worship anytime on YouTube Live!
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Physical distancing and masks are NOT required!
You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!
Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.
We are excited to welcome to worship in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM.