We are ready for you inside our historic, beautiful Red Brick Church or join us on YouTube Live!
Please download or view the Worship Guide that includes our worship and music previews, Scripture readings, prayers, community news, and much more! Click the link below.
Get Your Lenten Worship Guide (click here) with Scripture readings, music, and prayers. See our worship preview, below!
Whatever your religious affiliation, or none at all, we all hear Jesus say, “Come to me all who are overburdened, and find rest for your soul!” Everyone is welcomed at Cold Spring Church. Yes, everyone!
Enjoy meeting others from greater Cape May as we worship together. We simplified our service and made it even easier to participate, with our Worship Guide and lyric videos displayed on a large screen.
No internet? No problem!
If you don’t have internet access, just use our call-in number from your phone: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 882-3154-2428 Password: 1714.
Worship Preview- Special Lenten service, ashes, music, and message!
Our neighbors are feeling more and more like strangers to one another and more isolated since the pandemic began. People report loneliness as a persistent experience more than 70% of the time. How can we turn strangers into friends? How can our places of mission and worship become more welcoming? Let’s realize that others are as awkward as we may be! During the next 40 days be open to new ways to turn strangers into fellow travelers, companions, friends, to embrace God’s emerging future that leads to the cross and the empty tomb. Here’s how scripture puts Lenten advice: “Don’t be a mean-faced people, cruel to grandmothers and babies alike” (Deut. 28:50). But, “Do be a place where the face of God can smile on others” (Num. 23:5). This week we are putting on the Face of Grace for greater Cape May!
As you depart, you will find a pile of stones. Choose one to represent your burdens, your weights and fears, your regrets, and remember as you carry this stone with you, that on Easter, at the end of the Lenten Adventure, the Stone and all our stones were rolled away!
Lenten Steps: Honestly. Let’s ask ourselves…
What face does your neighborhood need to see in you today?
How will you put on the Face of Grace during the next 40 days?
“…That you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Eph. 3:18).
Physical distancing and masks are required, even for fully vaccinated worshippers. Thank you for helping us all stay safe.
You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Once you and your family are ready for worship at home, share the picture with us by posting to Facebook #ColdSpringChurch or Instagram #coldspringchurchnj. If you’re in the sanctuary, feel free to share photos or text friends about what you are learning! Subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!
Energize your life and discover the amazing love of Jesus! This week is the perfect time to join us in person for worship. Enjoy live music and solo, lyric videos, and a message of hope from God’s word.
We are excited to welcome to worship all who are able and comfortable in-person in our historic Red Brick Church on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Your safety, health, and wellness are our top priority. Following the guidance from the CDC and health officials, we have implemented safety protocols and designed an approximately forty-minute worship experience that will be spiritually energizing and safe for you, your family, and other worshippers.