Worship Guide (v1) for August 23, 2020
Children’s Worship Ages 4-7 for August 23, 2020
Children’s Worship Ages 8-12 for August 23, 2020
This week is the perfect time to join in our worship online. We simplified our online service and made it even easier to participate, and viewing does not require a Facebook account! Join the video stream on Facebook Live (www.facebook.com/coldspringchurch) or, if you don’t have internet access, use our New call in number: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 875 2479 7260.
You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Once you and your family are ready, share the picture with us by posting to Facebook #ColdSpringChurch or Instagram #coldspringchurchnj. You may want to subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!
Worship and Message theme:
Identity is this week’s worship theme. Simon Peter was asked by Jesus: “Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered: “You are the Christ” How we answer this question is also critical. To be a Christian means believing that Jesus is the Son of God. The Christian faith is a journey- an exciting journey of getting to know Who God is. We learn as we put our faith into practice. Professing that Jesus is the Christ, is just the beginning. What we do with that is what truly matters. “We show our faith by what we do.” I admit, sometimes my faith becomes a little shaky. This is why Jesus had to come and die. That’s why we confess our sins and turn to Christ. It is a daily, minute by minute, life-long journey. Who we say Jesus is, has everything to do with who and how we are and will be!
Restricted In-Person Worship To Resume September 20:
We anticipate that a restricted 30-minute in-person worship will resume on September 20. We are designing a hybrid worship experience to enjoy either online or in-person, whichever venue you feel most comfortable in. For the safety of our in-person worshippers, mask or face coverings and physical distancing protocols will be followed. Also, for the safety of everyone, there will be no congregational singing. Our online participants can enjoy the live 30-minute service that begins at 10:40 AM, preceded and followed by several music videos with lyrics. More details will follow.
Music Preview:
Worship Online begins with the very popular hymn written by Thomas O. Chisholm, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”. Chisholm wrote hundreds of poems during his lifetime. In 1923, he was inspired by the verses of Lamentations 3:22-23 to write the text for this hymn. Those verses are as follows, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Our second hymn, “Take My Life And Let It Be”, is a classic hymn of Christian commitment written by Frances Havergal. In her own words, the hymn is a “consecration hymn” in which the singer commits all of her possessions and being to the Lord for his purposes. It expresses what each of us ought to feel and long for, even if at times we see so much disparity between the words and our actual state that we have to sing most of it in hope and faith.