Price Hall is a welcoming banquet and meeting space on the campus of Cold Spring Church. It offers convenient parking, stage, and professional kitchen. Meeting rooms and church and cemetery offices are located in the north wing of the building. Frequently used for congregation events, it is open to the public for community meetings such as flower clubs, service groups, and receptions for family gatherings and weddings. If you would like to explore using Price Hall for your next gathering, please call the church office (609-884-4065) for more information. An application to use Price Hall
Our hall is frequently used for congregation events. It is available to the public for community meetings such as flower clubs, service groups, and receptions for family gatherings and weddings. If you would like to explore using Price Hall for your next gathering, please call the church office (609-884-4065) for more information. An application to use Price Hall that explains the features and building use fees is available as a download.