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2020-08-30 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Worship Online Resources

By August 27, 2020Intersections, Sermons

2020-08-30 Worship Online

Worship Guide (v1) for August 30, 2020

Readings August 30, 2020

Children’s Worship Ages 4-7 for August 30, 2020

Children’s Worship Ages 8-12 for August 30, 2020

This week is the perfect time to join in our worship online. We simplified our online service and made it even easier to participate, and viewing does not require a Facebook account! Join the video stream on Facebook Live ( or, if you don’t have internet access, use our New call in number: +1 (929) 205-6099. Enter Meeting ID: 875 2479 7260.

Share Your Experience!

You have found a place to encounter God and people who care about you – just as you are, right where you are, anytime. Once you and your family are ready, share the picture with us by posting to Facebook #ColdSpringChurch or Instagram #coldspringchurchnj. You may want to subscribe to our weekly Connections email newsletter. Sign up here!

Hand to hand holding connect relationship

Worship and Message theme:

Where is God in relation to where you are? Join us this week in worship as God’s place meets our place. We start with Moses’ “non-burning bush” experience when God got his attention. God calls Moses by name and , in case is he was unsure, that wherever he stands is holy ground when God is there! Then God expresses the pain and the suffering on behalf of the Israelites. Empathy is God’s communication channel that resonates with us. God feels you. God gets you. And when God calls you to do amazing things, God is with you. Then we jump 1200 years forward to Peter who says Jesus can’t handle the path ahead that includes suffering, pain, and death on a cross. Like with Moses, and Peter, and Jesus, when God sends you on a mission, even a difficult one, God is with you and will see it through with you, too. What if God called your name and you said, “Here I am” — and then it got real. Maybe your life already has. We all need to hear God say to us right where we are, “We can do this!” We need our community to hear God say to them, too, “We can do this!”.

Restricted In-Person Worship To Resume September 20:

We anticipate that a restricted 30-minute in-person worship will resume on September 20. We are designing a hybrid worship experience to enjoy either online or in-person, whichever venue you feel most comfortable in. For the safety of our in-person worshippers, mask or face coverings and physical distancing protocols will be followed. Also, for the safety of everyone, there will be no congregational singing. Our online participants can enjoy the live 30-minute service that begins at 10:40 AM, preceded and followed by several music videos with lyrics. More details will follow.

Music Preview:

Following our countdown video featuring “Hosanna, Praise is Rising”, will be WM video “Lord I Lift Your Name on High. Written in 1989, by Rick Founds, who wrote this song because he was “amazed at the love of God” & struck by God’s divine plan, which left him in awe of the cycle of events of Christ’s life and death for us. The closing WM Video “You Never Let Go” was inspired by Psalm 23 verse 4 in the darkest moments we need to find something firm to stand on, and the Lord “never lets go”. The composer Matt Rodman says this song has caused many people to write to him about how God has been at work personally for them.


Author cscadmin

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