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Session Notes from January 2020

By February 5, 2020Intersections

These are the summary notes –or highlights– of our most recent session meeting. For further details of these notes and additional session discussion matters, please refer to the next set of complete Session Minutes ( upon session approval and publication).

Our Session approved the following agenda items on January 14, 2020:

1. Minutes of Stated Session Meeting of December 3, 2019;

2. Minutes of Congregational Meeting of December 15, 2019;

3. Rental of Price Hall for Bayshore Woods Condominium Association meetings (3);

4. “Winter Dinner” for church and community on Saturday, February 15.

The Session also discussed the following agenda items in progress:

1. Agenda and preparation for Annual Congregational Meeting; 

2. Process and revision of our Church Bylaws;

3. Overview of high priority goals for 2020 Session;

4. Setting temporary calendar for “food events” in 2020. Copies of approved.

Session Minutes are located on the table in the church narthex, and in the designated rack by the church office in Price Hall. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the current meeting agenda items, kindly contact the pastor, a session member, or myself for clarification.

—   Rob Riehl, Clerk of Session


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